From Wednesday, September 1st, the Kids Area at Scalo Marino will be ready to welcome
your children with lots of fully safe activities and workshops.
We look forward to seeing you to share all the fun, laughter and excitement.
The Scalo Marino Kids Area will be open at the following times:
Monday to Friday from 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 am to 9.00 pm.
Entry and exit will take place in strict compliance with safety measures,
including the requirement to wear masks, sanitize hands, measure temperature and
respect social distancing.
Total capacity will be determined by the educational staff on duty depending on the activities taking place and the situation at the time.
Rules and Safety
1. Entry is restricted to children between the ages of 3 and 12.
Children must be collected no later than the Kids Area closing time.
2. In accordance with current regulations, children under the age of 12 are not required to carry a Green Pass but only to wear a mask from the age of 6.
3. All the rooms, tables and materials are constantly sanitized to ensure the health and safety
of the children.
4. Workshop activities take place in full compliance with official requirements on preventing the spread of infection, ensuring distancing, the wearing of masks and sanitizing using the appropriate dispensers.
5. For hygiene reasons, non-slip socks are required and shoes must not be worn to enter the area.
6. Food, drinks and personal items must not be brought into the Kids Area.
7. The Kids Area has its own toilet facilities which are sanitized at the end of every hourly session.
8. The signage in the area is considered to be an integral part of these rules.
9. The person accompanying the child, who must be an adult, is required to complete the registration form and present a valid identity document to allow entry to the site as well as to indicate any special requirements the child may have.
The accompanying adult must not leave the Center while the child is in the Kids Area.
10. The cost of entry to the Scalo Marino Kids Area is €3 per hour and €5 for two hours.
Payment must be made on collection of the child from the Kids Area.
*10% discount for Scalo Milano I LOVE CARD holders.
The Management and Operator decline any responsibility for loss or damage to personal
effects brought by the child into the play area.
Furthermore, entry to the area is forbidden outside the operating times shown and we decline all responsibilty in the event of non-compliance.